Dr Margie Olds is a world leading shoulder physiotherapist, based in Auckland, New Zealand. She has extensive international experience, has worked as a physiotherapist in New Zealand, the USA, and the UK and so understand how clinicians work in different health care systems . She also has elite sports experience, was the lead therapist for British Canoeing and attended the Athens Olympic Games in 2004. Margie has since added to her successful clinical career with a research career, principally investigating shoulder instability. She attained her Master’s degree in Health Science (Hons) in 2010 which investigated active stiffness in the unstable shoulder. She has completed her PhD which investigated recurrent shoulder instability after a first time traumatic anterior shoulder dislocation (FTASD). She has developed a predictive tool (Predicting Recurrent Instability of the Shoulder (PRIS)) that can be used in the shared decision-making process to inform people with a FTASD about the likelihood of recurrent shoulder instability.
Her passion for improving outcomes for people with shoulder problems has now resulted in extensive research into return to sport decision-making where she is a leader in this field. She has worked with Professor Tim Uhl, to establish the reliability of the SARTS tests, a clinical battery of tests to help clinicians decide whether their athlete is ready to return to sport. She also works and collaborates with clinicians and researchers across the globe to improve our understanding of shoulder problems and how we can help patients. Margie’s passion for improving patient outcomes has resulted in online and in-person educational courses to help and inspire other clinicians. Clinicians can access her online courses, and also receive free one-to-one online calls to discuss practical applications of the course and help with complex patients. If you want to learn more about return to sport decision-making or shoulder instability, then sign up now to learn from one of the best in the industry.
Margie loves being a clinician and continues to practice clinically at the Auckland Shoulder Clinic (www.shoulderphysio.co.nz). Her innovation and leadership led her to design a shoulder brace for people to wear on return to activity from a shoulder injury (www.flawlessmotion.com). She lives with her husband on the west coast of Auckland where they ride their bikes, kite surf and plan their next adventures.
Please contact us via email at [email protected] if you have any questions about the site or the shoulder courses.
Margie Olds Published Research
- Olds,M., McLaine, S., & Magni,N. (2023). Validity and reliability of the Kinvent hand-held dynamometer in the Athletic Shoulder Test. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 32 (4),
- Rabin,A., Chechik, O., Olds, M., Uhl, T, Kazum, E., Deutsch, A., Citron, E., Cohen, T., Dolkart, O., Bibas, A., & Maman, E. (2023). The supine moving apprehension test- Reliability and validity among healthy individuals and patients with anterior shoulder instability. Shoulder and Elbow. https://doi.org/10.1177/17585732231170197
- Magni, N., Olds,M., & McLaine,S. (2023) Reliability and validity of the K-force grip dynamometer in healthy subjects: Do we need to assess it three times? Hand Therapy. https://doi.org/10.1177/17589983231152958
- Brindisino, F., Garzonio, F. Di Giacomo, G., Olds M., Pellegrino, M.,Ristori, D. (2022). Depression, fear of re-injury and kinesiophobia resulted in worse pain, quality of life, function, and level of return to sport in patients with shoulder instability. A systematic review. The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness. DOI: 10.23736/S0022-4707.22.14319-7.
- White, R., Olds, M., Cadogan, A., & Sole, G. (2022). Shoulder pain, disability and psychosocial dimensions across diagnostic categories: profile of patients attending shoulder physiotherapy clinics. New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy.
- Olds,M., & Webster,K. (2021). Factor structure of the Shoulder Instability Return to Sport after Injury Scale. American Journal of Sports Medicine. Online first. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/03635465211024924
- Olds,M., Lemaster,N., Picha,K., Walker,C., Heebner,N., Uhl,T. (2021) Line Hops and Side Hold Rotation Tests Load Both Anterior and Posterior Shoulder: A Biomechanical Study. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy 16 (2), 477. DOI: https://doi.org/10.26603/001c.21454
- Olds, M., Ellis, R., and Kersten, P. (2020). Predicting Recurrent Instability of the Shoulder (PRIS): A Valid Tool to Predict Which Patients Will Not Have Repeat Shoulder Instability After First-Time Traumatic Anterior Dislocation. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy. 50(8), 431-437. https://doi.org/10.2519/jospt.2020.9284
- Olds, M. Gadkari, P., and Adams, T. (2020). Normative rugby data of the SARTS tests: Comparison of elite and school players. International Journal of Sport Medicine, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1055/a-1171-1664
- Olds, M., Ellis, R., Parmar, P. and Kersten, P. (2020). The immediate and subsequent impact of a first-time traumatic anterior shoulder dislocation in people aged 16-40: Results from a national cohort study. Shoulder & Elbow. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/1758573220921484
- Olds, M., Ellis, R., Parmar, P. and Kersten, P. (2019). Who will redislocatehis/her shoulder? Predicting recurrent instability following a firsttraumatic anterior shoulder dislocation. BMJ Open Sport & ExerciseMedicine, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjsem-2018-000447 [OpenAccess]
- Olds, M., Coulter, C., Marant, D., and Uhl, T. (2019). Reliability of a shoulder arm return to sport test battery. Physical Therapy in Sport.39:16-22. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ptsp.2019.06.001
- Harman, B., and Olds, M. (2017). Rotator cuff repair protocols: A survey of New Zealand Practice. New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy. 45(1): 24-30. doi:15619/NZJP/45.1.04
- Olds, M., Ellis, R., Donaldson, K., Parmar, P. and Kersten, P. (2015). Riskfactors which predispose first-time traumatic anterior shoulderdislocations to recurrent instability in adults: a systematic review andmeta-analysis. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 49(14), 913-923. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1136/bjsports-2014-094342 [Open Access]
- Olds, M., Donaldson, K., Ellis, R., Parmar, P. and Kersten, P. (2015).In children aged 18 years and under, what promotes recurrent shoulder instability after tramatic anterior shoulder dislocation? A systematic review and meta-analysis of risk factors. British Journal of SportsMedicine. 50(18), 1135-1141. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bjsports-2015-095149
- McNair, P., Nordez, A., Olds, M., Young, S., Cornu, C. (2013). Biomechanical properties of the plantarflexor muscle tendon complex six months post rupture of the Achilles tendon. Journal of Orthopaedic Research. 31(9). 1469-74 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/jor.22381
- Olds, M., McNair, P., Nordez, A., Cornu, C. (2011). Active stiffness and strength in the unstable shoulder: A bilateral comparison. Journal of Athletic Training. 46(6), 642.
- Olds, M. & Uhl, T. (2023). Return to sports after shoulder injuries: Physiotherapist’s Perspective. In Sports Injuries: Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment and Rehabilitation, Publisher Springer Ltd
- Gibson, l., Jaggi, A., Seitz, A., Olds, M., & Funk, L. (2022). The Unstable Shoulder: assessment and management. In The Shoulder: Theory and Practice, Lewis.J, and Fernandez-de-las-Peñas, C. (Eds.), Publisher : Handspring Publishing Limited., Edinburgh. ISBN-10 : 1913426173
- Jaggi, A., Gibson, J., Olds, M., Seitz, A., & Funk, L. (2022). Rehabilitation for the Unstable Shoulder. . In The Shoulder: Theory and Practice, Lewis.J, and Fernandez-de-las-Peñas, C. (Eds.), Publisher : Handspring Publishing Limited., Edinburgh. ISBN-10 : 1913426173
Margie Olds Invited Conference Presentations
- Focussed Symposium on Shoulder Instability. Co-presenting with AProf Amee Seitz, Mrs Anju Jaggi, Prof Karen Ginn. International Conference Shoulder Elbow Therapists, Rome, Italy, 2023
- Predicting recurrent shoulder instability. International Conference Shoulder Elbow Therapists. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2019
- Shoulder Arm Return to Sport (SARTS) tests. International Conference Shoulder Elbow Therapists. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2019
- Kinematics and kinetics of shoulder instability. International conference shoulder Elbow therapists. Jeju, Korea. 2016
Margie Olds Conference Platform / Oral Presentations
- Olds, M. Webster, K., & Magni, N. (2023). Is the short-form Shoulder Instability Return to Sport after Injury (SIRSI-5) valid and can it predict return to sport in a New Zealand population? Presented at International Conference Shoulder and Elbow Therapists. Rome, Italy.
- Olds, M. Gadkari, P., and Adams, T. (2021). Normative rugby data of the SARTS tests: Comparison of elite and school players. Presented at NZ Shoulder Elbow conference, Queenstown, New Zealand.
- Olds, M., Coulter, C., Marant, D., & Uhl, T. (2019) Return to sport after shoulder injury: Intra-tester reliability of the Shoulder Arm Return to Sport (SARTS) test battery. Presented at International Conference of Shoulder Elbow Therapists. Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Olds, M., Ellis, R., Parmar, P., & Kersten, P. (2019) The immediate and subsequent impact of a first-time traumatic anterior shoulder dislocation: Results from a national cohort study. Presented at International Conference of Shoulder Elbow Therapists. Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Olds, M., Ellis, R., Parmar, P., & Kersten, P. (2019). Quality of life and kinesiophobia after a first time traumatic anterior shoulder dislocation:results from a national cohort study. Presented at the New ZealandShoulder and Elbow Society Meeting, Noumea, New Caledonia.
- Olds, M. Ellis, R., Parmar, P., * Kersten, P. (2018). Predicting recurrent instability following a first-time traumatic anterior shoulder dislocation: Validation of a multivariate model. Presented at Shoulder Elbow Surgeons Australia. Perth, Australia.
- Olds, M., Ellis, R., Parmar, P., & Kersten, P. (2017). A multivariate model to predict recurrent instability following a first time traumatic anterior shoulder dislocation in a New Zealand population. Presented at themeeting of the American Society of Shoulder and Elbow TherapistsAnnual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
- Olds, M., Ellis, R., Parmar, P., & Kersten, P. (2017). A multivariate model to predict recurrent instability following a first time traumatic anterior shoulder dislocation in a New Zealand population. Paper presented at the meeting of the New Zealand Orthopaedic Association Shoulder and ElbowMeeting 2017, Queenstown, New Zealand.
- Olds, M., Ellis, R. & Kersten, P. (2015). Risk factors for re-dislocation aftera first time traumatic shoulder dislocation. Presented at the New ZealandShoulder and Elbow Society Conference, Rarotonga.
- Olds, M., Ellis, R. F., Donaldson, K. & Kersten, P. (2014). The risk factorswhich predispose first-time anterior traumatic shoulder dislocations torecurrent instability in adults: A systematic review. Presented at “Linkingthe Chain”: Physiotherapy New Zealand Conference, Auckland, NewZealand.
- Olds, M., Donaldson, K., Ellis, R. F. & Kersten, P. (2014). The risk factors forrecurrent shoulder instability following a first-time traumatic anterior shoulder dislocation in children under the age of 18: a systematic review. Presented at “Linking the Chain”: Physiotherapy New Zealand Conference, Auckland, New Zealand.
Margie Olds Published Conference Proceedings
- Scapula and the Kinetic Chain: Auckland Physiotherapy October, 2019
- Shoulder treatment. Auckland Physiotherapy. August, 2016
- Kinematics and Kinetics of shoulder instability. ICSET. Korea, May 2016
- Shoulder Instability. Sydney, November 2015
- Rehabilitation of shoulder instability: A case study. Rarotonga, July 2015
- Effect of shoulder bracing on proprioception and ROM in people with shoulder instability. Melbourne Shoulder and Elbow Australasia . November, 2014
- Risk factors for recurrent shoulder instability in adults, American Shoulder Elbow Therapist October, 2014
- Risk factors for recurrent shoulder instability in children, American Shoulder Elbow Therapist October, 2014
- Risk factors for recurrent shoulder instability in adults, Physiotherapy NZ September, 2014
- Risk factors for recurrent shoulder instability in children, Physiotherapy NZ September, 2014
- Subscapularis Avulsion: A case study. NZ Sports Medicine. November, 2012
- Advanced Shoulder Rehabilitation, Hamilton. March, 2011
- Shoulder Symposium (co-presentation: Angela Cadogan). May, 2010
- Labral Injuries of the contact athlete, Auckland Sports Medicine. May, 2010
- The Pathological Shoulder, Sports Physiotherapy Conference, Tauranga March, 2010
- Shoulder Impingement. April, 2006.
- Epidemiology study of Injury Patterns in Canoe Slalom (NZSportsMed) November, 2005.
- Management of Shoulder Instability a Case Study (NZSportsMed) November, 2005.
- Agility, Kinaesthesis and Movement Patterning . May, 2005.
- Functional Stability (assist Joanne Elphinston). December, 2004.
- Case Presentation – British Olympic Association. November, 2004.
- Stability for Canoe & Kayak – How to make us faster on the water. November, 2003.